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    Privacy policy


    In addition to the terms defined elsewhere in the Privacy Policy, capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy have the following meanings.


    Data protection legislation means (i) the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC as of May 25, 2018; (ii) the Belgian law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and (iii) any other current or future applicable national laws relating to or having an impact on the processing of personal data and privacy.
    Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
    Processor means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.
    Controller means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.
    Website means the website

    Scope, identity and contact information

    1.1. We are committed to protecting your privacy and your Personal Data. This Privacy Policy describes how We will process your Personal Data in the context of your use of the Website and as further described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to the Personal Data We collect through Our Website.

    1.2. The Website is owned by T&T Design BV, hereinafter also referred to as “T&T DESIGN“, “Controller“, “We“, “Us” or “Our“. The contact details of Our main office, to which you can address all your questions and/or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, are: T&T Design, Vitseroelstraat 69, 1740 Ternat, Belgium , with company number BE0478.340.850. T&T Design may be replaced in the future by another entity, which will then take over all the obligations of T&T DESIGN. In that case, this new entity will be published on Our Website.

    1.3. You may send your questions by e-mail to T&T Design’s privacy officer at the e-mail address: and/or by phone: +32(0)26132575.


    Personal data

    We will process the following Personal Data about you:

    We will process the following Personal Data about you:

      • Identity information (name, first name, gender);
      • Contact information (e-mail address, phone number, place of residence);
      • Professional information (data regarding field of interest and position);
      • Technical information (data about the device you use, such as your IP address, how long and how often you visit the page, what links you click on, likely place of consultation, hour and day of consultation, exactly what pages are visited, through the use of cookies. For more information, please read Our cookie policy, accessible via Our cookie statement);
      • Financial data (payment and transaction data).

    Purposes and Legal Basis of Processing

    1.4. We process your Personal Data only in connection with the following purposes and legal bases.

    Personal data

    Purpose of processing

    Legal Basis


    For providing our services (delivery, billing, etc.)

    To contact you if you contacted Us through the contact form.

    To enable us to respond to your complaint or question.

    When necessary to defend Us in legal or other proceedings.

    To perform statistical analysis in order to improve Our Website, products and services.

    Marketing purposes, i.e. to provide you with targeted communications, promotions, offers and other advertisements from T&T DESIGN .

    For marketing purposes of similar products or services provided by T&T DESIGN itself in the event that you are an existing customer of T&T DESIGN and T&T DESIGN obtained your electronic contact information directly from you, in the context of the sale of a product or service, where T&T DESIGN indicates that you may easily and free of charge oppose the exploitation at any time.

    The detection of and protection against fraud, error and/or criminal behavior.

    Necessary for performance of a contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).

    Necessary for performance of a (potential) contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to be able to respond appropriately to your requests regarding information and other requests and to communicate with you) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to be able to defend Us in (legal) proceedings) (cf. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to enable continuous improvement of the Website of T&T DESIGN and of services) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Consent (cf. article 6.1.a) AVG and see 1.6. below)

    The “Soft-Opt-In” (see 1.7. below).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. prevention of fraud) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Contact details


    To access your user profile

    For providing our services (delivery, billing, etc.)

    To contact you if you contacted Us through the contact form.

    To enable us to respond to your complaint or question.

    When necessary to defend Us in legal or other proceedings.

    To perform statistical analysis in order to improve Our Website, products and services.

    Marketing purposes, i.e., to provide you with targeted communications, promotions, offers and other advertisements from T&T DESIGN .

    For marketing purposes of similar products or services provided by T&T DESIGN itself in the event that you are an existing customer of T&T DESIGN and T&T DESIGN obtained your electronic contact information directly from you, in the context of the sale of a product or service, where T&T DESIGN indicates that you may easily and free of charge oppose the exploitation at any time.

    The detection of and protection against fraud, error and/or criminal behavior. 

    Necessary for performance of a (potential) contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).

    Necessary for performance of a contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).

    Necessary for performance of a (potential) contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to be able to respond appropriately to your requests regarding information and other requests and to communicate with you) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to be able to defend Us in (legal) proceedings) (cf. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. to enable continuous improvement of the Website of T&T DESIGN and of services) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Consent (cf. article 6.1.a) AVG and see 1.6. below)

    The “Soft-Opt-In” (see 1.7. below).

    Necessary for the legitimate interest of T&T DESIGN (i.e. prevention of fraud) (cfr. article 6.1.f) AVG).

    Professional information

    For potential job applications to schedule/discuss future collaboration.

    Necessary for performance of a (potential) contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG). 

    Technical Information

    To create statistics in order to improve Our Website, products and services.

    Consent (cf. article 6.1.a) AVG and see 1.6. below).

    More information can be found in our cookie statement.

    Financial data

    To proceed with payment for goods upon your purchase of Our products and/or services

    Necessary for performance of the contract (cf. Article 6.1.b) AVG).


    1.5. If the processing of your Personal Data according to the table above is necessary to perform an agreement or to comply with a legal obligation, We cannot perform the agreement/fulfill the legal obligation if you do not provide your Personal Data to Us.

    1.6. You consent to the processing of (i) your contact information and (ii) your technical information for direct marketing purposes and to the processing of (iii) Personal Data that you voluntarily provide to Us. This Privacy Policy is available on Our Website and We will retain the original consent form so that We can demonstrate that you have given Us your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent is free of charge and can be done by sending an email to and will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before you have withdrawn it.

    1.7. In some cases, the sending of direct marketing via e-mail, SMS or other electronic means is permitted without your consent, for example, because We have obtained your electronic contact information in the context of the sale of products or services and because Our commercial messages relate to Our similar products or services (“Soft-opt-in”). You may object to the continued receipt of Our direct marketing messages at any time by clicking “Unsubscribe”. Each direct marketing email contains the option to unsubscribe. You may also unsubscribe by sending an email to

    1.8. When T&T DESIGN processes the above Personal Data for the purposes cited on the basis of the legal basis justified interest, the specific justified interest of T&T DESIGN is indicated in brackets. T&T DESIGN, after careful consideration of the various interests, is of the opinion that its interest, for the above purposes outweighs that of the data subject. For this purpose, T&T DESIGN can demonstrate that:

      1. the interests it is pursuing with the processing can be recognized as legitimate (the “purpose test“);
      2. the intended processing is necessary to achieve these interests (the “necessity test“); and
      3. the balancing of these interests against the interests, fundamental freedoms and fundamental rights of data subjects weighs in favor of the data controller (the “balancing test“).

    For more information regarding any balancing of interests, please feel free to email

    1.9. We will provide you with relevant information if We intend to use your Personal Data for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy.


    Recipients of Personal Data

    1.10. Your Personal Data will be processed by Us. We may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties who provide services to Us, such as but not limited to marketing services and IT service providers. This allows Us to advertise and process your Personal Data on Our behalf. These third party processors may only process your Personal Data on the express and written instructions of T&T DESIGN on behalf of T&T DESIGN. T&T DESIGN ensures that all third party processors are selected with due care and obligates them to observe the security and integrity of your Personal Data.

    1.11. Otherwise, T&T DESIGN does not send your Personal Data identifiably to third parties without your express consent.

    1.12. We may disclose your Personal Data to third parties when the law or a court order requires Us to do so.

    1.13. In the event of a full or partial sale (including a merger or acquisition) or reorganization of Us, your Personal Data may be transferred to third parties.


    Transfer of Personal Data

    1.14. Your Personal Data will only be processed within the European Economic Area (EEA).

    1.15. In the event that We should nevertheless intend to transfer Personal Data to a third country or an international organization, We will ensure that this is done to a country for which there is an adequacy decision by the Commission; or, standard data protection provisions approved by the Commission in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 93(2) AVG will be used, and a copy of them can be requested by sending an email to


    Storage Period of Personal Data

    1.16. We will retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to process your Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes, or for as long as We are required by law to retain it.

    Personal data

    Retention period

    identity information

    Up to 3 years after purchase/last interaction with data subject (e.g. purchase, opening an email, attendance at event, requesting a quote, creating a plan, etc.)

    Contact details

    Up to 3 years after purchase/last contact with the individual.

    Professional information

    Up to 3 years after purchase/last contact with the individual.

    Technical Information

    Up to 3 years after purchase/last contact with the individual.

    Financial data

    Up to 10 years after purchase/last contact with the individual.


    Your rights

    1.17. In accordance with and under the terms of the Data Protection Law, you have the right to request Us to (a) access your Personal Data, (b) rectify your Personal Data, (c) erase your Personal Data and (d) restrict the processing of your Personal Data. In addition, you (e) have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data and you may request Us to (f) receive your Personal Data in a structured, common and machine-readable format. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (in Belgium, the Data Protection Authority or any other authority replacing the Belgian Data Protection Authority.

    1.18. You can exercise the aforementioned rights by sending a letter to T&T Design BV, Vitseroelstraat 69, 1740 Ternat Belgium, or by sending an e-mail to or through any other technical solution on Our Website.


    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We may change the provisions of this Privacy Policy. We will announce any new version of the Privacy Policy and request your consent in accordance with Article 4 of this Privacy Policy.